01 February 2006

liveblogging the Duke at BC game on espnHD - or: Fellating Coach K, JJ Reddick, Duke, et. al.

greetings from my living room. not to be confused with my other living room. (anyone that has been to visit chez casey would get this joke.)

i'm watching duke play at boston college on TV. I think if Duke played the Ojai school of the Blind then ESPN would carry it.
I thought I'd come to you live because it's easier to make fun of Mike Patrick and Dick Vitale this way. we (and by we i mean dick and mike) just got breathlessly describing how great Reddick is. this is a common theme when they are on TV. probably because he is really good. he hits an open 3 in a 5 on 1 break (nice job hustling back, BC), which is my favorite kind of decision making: the kind that's good only when it goes in, and it's all JJ all the time. then he misses an open shot and Patrick says, "he hasn't had that good of a night shooting the ball". really? he's 6 of 13 you tard. that's just under 50%, and an exceptional rate when you factor in the fact that he takes a lot of 3's.

ahh, sideline reporter tells us that one assistant GM in the NBA thinks Reddick will succeed in the NBA because he has the "heart of a thief". what the fuck does that mean? Patrick tells us that he means that "in a good way." Heart of a thief? how about being a guy that makes a lot of shots? how about competing in a league where everybody is faster than you and can jump higher? it doesn't matter how many shots you can make if you can't get rid of the guy that is in your hip pocket. Reddick won't be able to. Not at the NBA level. JJ will be Danny Ferry, circa 2006. bummer.

cue montage of reddick making shots (to Fall Out Boy). I just threw up. I admit, he does fill it up.
okay, the girl is here. I have better things to do (thank God).
great job all week. xoxo

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