15 February 2006

getting dumped: not my favorite; plus, it's past my bedtime

yeah so the ex, or until very recently, the GF, dumped me today. yesterday, by the time you read this. yes, it was on valentine's day. also our little nascent anniversary, and also a couple days before my birthday. but hey, if it's coming, why delay the inevitable? and while we're at it, why bother making an emotional investment in a person at all, ever? S. Pinker has some intelligent things to say about this (in the book How the Mind Works) , but i'm too drunk/lazy to look them up. and lonely. as per usual. ahhhh, I forgot what that feels like. allow me to take a few months and embrace the lonely...

so that happened. and I'm not too pleased about it. I really liked her.

that's all I have. shit happens. she sucks. I suck. fuck it. I don't have anything nice to say. I don't have anything funny to say, either.

happy valentine's day.

blog was edited to correct spacing error and wrong word


Anonymous said...

"great job" on the blog,it has provided some enlightening and entertaining information.....

Case said...

I do aim to enlighten and entertain. mostly entertain. xo -c-