18 August 2010

My lunch break > your lunch break

I heart the ocean, but some parts of the ocean I heart more than others. For example, when the training group went on a walking lunch to see the seals, I bailed and went my own direction. Partly because I happened to see the seals yesterday, and partly because seals are just dogs with flippers and if you've seen one you've seen them all and I'm not interested (unless it's being eaten by a shark, in which case, oh hell yes).

I happened to arrive at the La Jolla tidepools at low tide, and that's superb, because tidepools are one of my favorite things. Tide was coming in (there's a limit to my luck) but I had plenty of time to see all kinds of crabs, anemones, fish, snails, and quite a lot else. I helped some English kids catch a big (for a tidepool) crab and put it in their bucket for further study. It hung out until they tried to put more water in the bucket and he made a break for freedom. So we caught another (smaller) one. You're not supposed to take the critters away from the pools so I made sure they put them back after a few minutes. I'm environmentally friendly.

Good thing I had on shorts and flip-flops. Work appropriate? Not really. Tidepool appropriate? yessssssss

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