22 May 2006

religious commentary: things that are important v. things that are NOT important

so I was driving over to the mega-mall center around the way from my crib on Saturday and I noticed that there were protesters, w/ signs and cigarettes and snacks, on the corner of the major mall intersection. they were protesting the Da Vinci code movie. much time, effort, and money was spent on the signage, not to mention the person-hours devoted to killing time on the corner of a busy intersection on a sunny Saturday AM. this is retardo on so many levels. here's a few:

anyone whose opinion will be swayed by a sign that says "The Da Vinci Code is Blasphemous!" is going to be similarly swayed by someone that tells them "The blah blah is TRUE!". so you're wasting your time/energy/money. start a blog: it's just as ineffective a forum and and it takes a lot less time, because...

the time/energy/money you're spending so ineffectively on "protest" could be spent doing any number of good works for the benefit of a person/place/thing that needs them. instead, you're making an ass out of yourself on a street corner. trust me, the Catholic church doesn't need any help with that.

the Da Vinci code is fiction, like harry potter. there are no respected historians who agree with its claims. there is no "debate." just as there is no "debate" in the scientific community about evolution. don't bother discussing it, except as an interesting story somebody made up about people that actually existed.

why the picture of madonna? she did some asinine thing on a cross at her concert and people are making noise about it. seriously, how old do you have to be before you stop trying so hard? and, who cares? it's just a pop concert. I liked her better back in the early 90's. like a prayer is one of my favorite pop songs of all time.

thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first off madonna is still smokin secondly, I lover her for the same reason I love the large ladies cuz they try so much harder. Also there are some ideas and orginizations in dan browns book that exist, certainly its not disproved to the degree of creationism, but you are correct to note ala friece invalids that pepole of ze world need to relax.
