I cleaned out the bird mess as best I could over the weekend, got some new screen, and covered up the hole. so that's done. I'll give them a week to go build a new nest somewhere else and quit going nuts outside my window every morning. after that i'll have to resort to more drastic measures. I'll keep you posted.
ahh, not much else to report. Saw mi:iii over the weekend. decent summer blockbuster. I was entertained and it got me out of the house. the guy next to me showed up just as the movie was starting and walked across several people to sit in the seat next to me. then he wanted the armrest. sorry bro. if you show up that late, you don't get the armrest. so when his arm came into contact with mine I pushed his arm away with my elbow and said, "sorry; don't touch me." that set the tone, and there wasn't an issue for the rest of the evening. which was nice. perhaps not the most friendly thing I've done, but hey, show some courtesy. and get there before me.
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