their website is elegant and clutter free: a model of usability, as if it were designed by the guru of web usability, Jakob Nielsen.
and, in a nice homage to the useless but fun mac features of old, I added the eyes to my google page. they take up way too much space, but I have two monitors, so space is a non-issue. mostly I like them because they remind me of when I first started using mac computers back in the Reagan years. we won't see days like those again any time soon, what with the largest peacetime military buildup in world history, skyrocketing deficit spending and an astronomical budget deficit, high gas prices, clandestine wars, people buying those portable music players (please go to the walkman link because it rules), and a legitimate debate about which computers were better: macs or pc's. that was before windows decided to copy everything that apple was doing. only took them 20 years to catch up.
is apple still in the PC business? I thought they just sold those portable music players. those things are great, btw. and they work on your PC.
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