My latest Kiva loan has been fully repaid:
Consuelo Sanchez Ruiz in Peru (Activity: Shoe Sales)
You Loaned: $125.00
Newly Repaid: $20.83
Total Repaid So Far: $125.00 (100.00% of your loan)
Repayment Status: Paid back
Here's the update from her loan handler:
La señora CONSUELO SANCHEZ RUIZ, tiene 55 años, vive en el distrito de Trujillo, provincia de Trujillo, departamento La Libertad – Perú. Y Pertenece al Banco Comunal MUJERES VALEROSAS. La empresaria presenta estudios hasta 6to de Primaria ya que por falta de recursos económicos ella empezó a trabajar desde pequeña. La socia es casada y tiene 6 hijos de los cuales 2 dependen económicamente de ella. CONSUELO se dedica a la fabricación y venta de calzado solo para niñas.
Ella confecciona el calzado con el apoyo de su esposo y 2 de sus hijos posteriormente los venden en las tiendas al por mayor o al por menor de forma ambulatoria.
Refiere que el pertenecer a Manuela Ramos le ayudado a ser mas solidó a su negocio ya que con el capital que se le facilita mas sus ganancias ella puedo invertir cada vez mas y así aumentar sus ventas y sus ganancias. También le ayudado a valorarse como mujer, a resolver problemas familiares cotidianos y administrar mejor el dinero de su negocio.
And here it is after it's been run through Google translator, because my espanol is a bit rusty, knowhatimean?
Ms. CONSUELO RUIZ SANCHEZ, 55, lives in the district Trujillo, province of Trujillo, La Libertad - Peru. Y Communal Bank Courageous Women. The entrepreneur Primary finished 6th since lack of financial resources she began working as a child. She is married and has 6 children of which two are economically dependent on it. Consuelo engaged in the manufacture and sale of shoes just for girls.
She draws up the shoe with the support of her husband and two of his children subsequently sold in stores at the wholesale or retail an outpatient basis.
Refer to the membership of Manuela Ramos helped him to be more solid business because with the capital provided to you more profits I can invest it more and more and increase their sales and profits. It is also valued as a woman helped to resolve everyday family problems and better manage their money business.
A little something gets lost in translation, but overall I think the loan worked out. So that's good.
So far this same $125 has improved the quality of life for people in Tajikistan, Mexico, Benin, and Peru. Awesome.
Not sure where to re-allocate. If you want to browse Kiva and send me a suggestion then go for it. I'll decide by the end of the week.
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