18 June 2010


Friend Zach and I have been engaging in some light banter since the Lakers ugly victory over the Celtics last night. And by "light banter" I mean vicious cruelty, because what's the point of having friends if you can't rub it in?

Backstory: I loathe the Boston Celtics.
Also: Zach hates the Lakers in general and Pau Gasol in particular (no idea why - most people hate Kobe - which I understand).
Special bonus: Zach now lives in Boston, so he's extra close to recent events.

I texted him last night after the big win:

midnight eastern time: Pau Gasol wants you to gargle his balls with rosewater and sugarplums.
no response indicates I've struck a nerve, so 10 minutes later I said: rosewater
still nothing, so 10 minutes after that I said: sugarplums

I didn't hear from him so I thought I'd twist the dagger a little more, see if I could get his attention via email. See image for a summary.

His response was not appropriate for a family blog. It was the kind of thing you say to a really close friend or someone you despise. I think I'm both right now. Which is exactly what I was aiming at.

I'm enjoying this almost as much as the Lakers win. Almost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i) basketball sucks on all levels and for innumerable reasons and ii) f*** kobye , f*** the lakers and f*** who ever the hell gaso is.