Special sauce link from Scott, who is well connected to this intertube thing.
Bonus videogame analysis from me, via Kotaku. Some game something or other lets you design your own graphics for the end zone. I know, it sounds boring to me too, but it is kind of fun that their producer guy minced no words about what people would put there:
"Let's face it, the first two days of the game being out, all we're going to see is a bunch of cocks, like, spread across the end zone," Rob Donald, the game's associate producer, told Kotaku. "Look at Spore when that came out. That was quite a sophisticated game, and this is a football game. So, people, yeah, they're gonna create dicks. Massive, giant phalluses that you're running into and scoring on."
He just painted me a picture with words. Nicely done.
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