Allow me to paint you a picture with words...
I gave myself a haircut a couple weeks ago. Now my hair is longer than it's been for several years (except on the sides), and I'm thinking it's really come into it's own the last couple days. I knew when I gave myself the fro-hawk / pseudo-mulleted haircut last month that it would take a while for it to really develop, although at the time several people asked questions like, "why did you do that to your hair?" and "did you lose a bet?" Fuck that noise people: The Hair's time has come.
Today it means business (on the sides) and funemployment (on the top and back). For those of you that can't remember what it looks like, I have a mess of wavy unmanageable afro-ness that's a brownish, reddish color. It's a fucking disaster and so impossible to keep in order that I haven't owned a hairbrush for over a decade (actually true). I have two hairstyle options: crew cut, or whatever the hair wants to do. There is no intermediate stage. This most recent style is a combination of BOTH my two styling options: crew cut on the sides, whatever the hair wants in the middle. AMAZING.
I know I don't have a picture. I'll get one. I promise. Instead you get the lovebirds again. They came back yesterday so I thought I'd share. They were going to be in post about dating but I'll get something from the failblog instead. It's more appropriate.
1 comment:
Ni-iiiicccceeee! Can't wait to see the headshot... Glamour shots, anyone?
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