Just seeing that google doodle (kudos and credits to the contest winner Evan O'Sullivan Glynn) makes me thirsty. Smithwicks (pronounced "SMITH-icks", without the 'w') is the St. Patrick's day beer of choice because it's a great "session" beer. That is, it's a great beer for when you're planning on having a drinking session, as opposed to just one or two before it's your bedtime. Don't order Guinness; that's for posers. Harp is an acceptable alternative if you can't get Smithwicks.
Midweek St. Patrick's day is cramping my style a little bit. It needs to be on a Thursday or Friday every year. And if the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu federation could get me a special St. Patrick's day waiver on the weight limit that would be even more helpful. Either that or move the competition back a week, give me more time to train. And by "train" I mean "recover".
Price Drop Alert!!! Prices on ass kickings for Case have just gone down 10% to $45! Hurry! Prices change rapidly and may not be available in the future...and for the record, very, very mediocre-looking girls are the girls of choice for today because they are great "session" girls. That and mediocre-looking girls have a type. Me. Cheers!
Your douchebaggery, like the law of conservation of mass, remains immutable. $45 still a bit too steep. Can I get a kick in the nuts for $20?
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