11 January 2006

March of the Retards

I have a friend who's mom hasn't gotten the memo about him having a girlfriend. Exactly why mom didn't get the memo is unknown. I think she's on board now. in any case, she works overtime at getting him dates. she wants grandkids, and she is definitely the type of person that will tell you what's best for you. so she got together with somebody else's mom in a yoga class and the two hens decided that their respective chicks should meet. you follow so far? neither mom has seen the other one's kid. it's all just hot air. only a mom or a retard would ever do something like this.

email addresses are exchanged. Jeff gets in touch with the girl. Unlike his mom, he decides he better do some pre-screening before he invites this girl out to meet the homies. he asks what she does for a living, what for fun, and etc. and so on. also he sends a picture from a recent social event. he's trying to initiate some blind-date, who-do-you-know type of dialog. straightforward stuff, really.

turns out the girl works part-time for disney, and this is the photo she sends back:

I can't make this stuff up.

and the photo is titled "Shan as penguin". really.
I encourage you to come up with your own best title.
best one wins a 12-pack of PBR.

look at the photo again. LOOK AT IT!
is that what you call putting your best foot forward?

you want to meet a guy and you send him a photo of you IN A PENGUIN SUIT?!?!

her email also contained the following line (copied verbatim):
"I hope you weren't sporting a case of the Mondays today..."

sporting a case of the mondays? what does that even mean? and did you really send a picture of yourself in a penguin costume?
remember: best photo caption or title wins a twack of PBR. get there.

and if you're interested, I can forward you this girls email. she doesn't get out much. maybe you're into that.

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