email addresses are exchanged. Jeff gets in touch with the girl. Unlike his mom, he decides he better do some pre-screening before he invites this girl out to meet the homies. he asks what she does for a living, what for fun, and etc. and so on. also he sends a picture from a recent social event. he's trying to initiate some blind-date, who-do-you-know type of dialog. straightforward stuff, really.
turns out the girl works part-time for disney, and this is the photo she sends back:

I can't make this stuff up.
and the photo is titled "Shan as penguin". really.
I encourage you to come up with your own best title.
best one wins a 12-pack of PBR.
look at the photo again. LOOK AT IT!
is that what you call putting your best foot forward?
you want to meet a guy and you send him a photo of you IN A PENGUIN SUIT?!?!
her email also contained the following line (copied verbatim):
"I hope you weren't sporting a case of the Mondays today..."
sporting a case of the mondays? what does that even mean? and did you really send a picture of yourself in a penguin costume?
remember: best photo caption or title wins a twack of PBR. get there.
and if you're interested, I can forward you this girls email. she doesn't get out much. maybe you're into that.
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