22 January 2006

intelligent design vs. evolution: crap science vs. evidence

I posted this comment in response to a blog entry over on the donttouchmystuff blogspot.
you can read his original post there. my comment also appears there, but i thought it warranted some words here, as well.

let's deconstruct your question, because it reflects a commonly held opinion.

a) intelligent design is religious. you won't find any secular proponents.

b) intelligent design is bad science. you won't find any credible scientist that suggests it has any basis in scientific fact.

c) evolution is good science. you can agree or disagree, but smarter men (and women) than you have worked hard to disprove it. they haven't proven anything. on the other hand, you can experience evolution firsthand the next time you get the flu.

d) people that argue about keeping intelligent design out of the classroom don't have to bother arguing about religion (although it's relevant, see item a), because it's crap science.

e) there is no "debate" in the scientific community about ID vs. evolution. if you're not sure, go here: http://www.natcenscied.org/

xoxo -c-

1 comment:

Case said...

more comments re:
Darwinian Evolution has never been obvserved or studied through lab tests and therefore cannot be understood using scientific method.

That is not strictly true. you can test evolution in the lab (see the book "How the Mind Works" by Steven Pinker for examples). the end results are what you'd expect from Darwinian principles: elements best suited for reproduction repeated themselves, and those that didn't were eliminated.

evidence for creation? where is that? and why do we look like monkeys?