im·per·ti·nence (

n 1: an impudent statement [syn: impudence, cheek]
2: the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties [syn: crust, gall, impudence, insolence, cheekiness, freshness]
here's a real-world example from some correspondence I received:
i noticed a conspicuous absence in the blog of the lesson you received
(no charge by the way) last weekend on how to play basketball. if you
are going to comment on a basketball commentator, the audience would
probably like to know that you are doing your best to learn the sport
from a superior player. i'm just sayin'. next time i am dropping 81
on you.
taste it old man,
Full disclosure: I did get a basketball lesson this weekend, and I did lose 2 (as in, two) games of 1/1 w/ Zach. I am not happy about it. not even a little bit. I'll be better prepared next time.
old man? how is it going to look when the old man beats you? it's best not to hurl insults; you never know when they might come back to haunt you.
in the raves department, I decided that I needed to inject some positivity into the blog. not "I'm positive I'm going to whip zach like a rented mule the next time we play basketball." rather, something new or old that I like and think you might enjoy. I'll come back to it (like text and subtext) in future blogs.
I'll save it for a new entry, though, so that we can focus on something truly superb, instead of Zach and his bad manners.
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