Someecards is superb. This was my recent favorite.
Happy new year!
Swinging the Hammer of Industry at the Nail of Sloth
WHEREAS The Fourth Day of November in the year 2008 represents the long-awaited resolution to the fiercely contested Presidential election.
WHEREAS By nature of Mr. Obama’s residency and its proud Democratic tradition, the great city of Chicago finds itself squarely at the center of attention on this momentous day.
WHEREAS No municipal or government body has shown the foresight or fortitude to state what needs to be stated.
NOW THEREFORE WE, Coudal Partners, do hereby proclaim that
WHEREAS All employees are hereby required to report for work at the regularly appointed time and subsequently spend the morning hours unfettered by any assignment or memo, conversing with coworkers and furiously surfing political blogs for the latest information.
WHEREAS It would be nice if someone brought bagels.
WHEREAS Commencing at the hour of lunch, all employees will be set free from obligation, to leave the workplace and join friends and family at places of community and conviviality.
WHEREAS An exception will be made for those employees in “battleground states” with certain disagreeable political leanings who are required to arrive at work before the polls open and work until they have closed, without a lunch break and under constant supervision.
WHEREAS For everyone else in Chicago, we will see you at Grant Park. In all other American burgs, villages and hamlets, pretty much anywhere with a television is acceptable. Bowling alleys, rec rooms, firehouses and taverns are a few suggested venues.
WHEREAS Employers not obeying this proclamation are forewarned that they will find the day without productivity or profit and in the end only earn the ire of their tireless and devoted workers.
WHEREAS By the authority vested in us by us, all employees in the U.S.A. are encouraged to forward this proclamation to their supervisors and if there is some doubt about said supervisors agreeableness to follow the guidelines stated herein they are further advised, in the great tradition of American Democracy, to take matters into their own hands and sneak out the back door at lunchtime leaving this web page open on their computer as a statement of their whereabouts and intentions.
WHEREAS Employers are also advised to allow great leniency for late arrivals on the morning of the Fifth Day of November.
Signed and Stated by Coudal Partners, 31 October 2008
Proposition 8 is simple and straightforward. It contains the same 14 words that were previously approved in 2000 by over 61% of California voters: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
Okay so far. I don't see the why yet, but we'll get there. If your argument is that "the people" chose thus it is good then you're not off to a very good start. The People also chose to segregate (and lynch) blacks, intern the Japanese, and shoot Indians (among quite a lot else). Hell, they set OJ free. So let's not hang our arguments on The People.
Because four activist judges in San Francisco wrongly overturned the people’s vote, we need to pass this measure as a constitutional amendment to RESTORE THE DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE as a man and a woman.
Right and wrong are a matter of opinion in this matter, but still: why do we need to "restore" the definition of marriage? If the definition is not "restored", what happens? And why do you care so much?
Proposition 8 is about preserving marriage; it’s not an attack on the gay lifestyle. Proposition 8 doesn’t take away any rights or benefits of gay or lesbian domestic partnerships. Under California law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits” as married spouses. (Family Code § 297.5.) There are NO exceptions. Proposition 8 WILL NOT change this.
That is good. What's the point then? And what is your motivation?
YES on Proposition 8 does three simple things:
It restores the definition of marriage to what the vast majority of California voters already approved and human history has understood marriage to be.
See prev. arguments re: 'the people'. Because a lot of people think something does not make it true. Or just.
It overturns the outrageous decision of four activist Supreme Court judges who ignored the will of the people.
Still with this 'will of the people' stuff? Schools would still be segregated if we went by the 'will of the people'. Our country fought a civil war over slavery and the 'will of the people'. This argument about the 'will of the people' is useless.
It protects our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage.
I can see this being an issue if you feel strongly about it, but is there really a danger of this happening? And if it does happen, can't you tell your kids something different? I mean, they're going to learn evolution in science class, but when they get home you're going to tell them that it's just a theory (which it isn't) and that the earth was created 6,000 years ago (which it quite obviously wasn't). Still don't see it.
Proposition 8 protects marriage as an essential institution of society. While death, divorce, or other circumstances may prevent the ideal, the best situation for a child is to be raised by a married mother and father.
I don't necessarily disagree, but what does that have to do with protecting marriage?
The narrow decision of the California Supreme Court isn’t just about “live and let live.” State law may require teachers to instruct children as young as kindergarteners about marriage. (Education Code § 51890.) If the gay marriage ruling is not overturned, TEACHERS COULD BE REQUIRED to teach young children there is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage.
If you insert the words 'not' next to your qualifiers in the above (may, could), your argument goes out the window. You're suggesting I should be afraid of the possibility of this happening? Hrmm... how likely is this type of teaching to happen?
We should not accept a court decision that may result in public schools teaching our kids that gay marriage is okay. That is an issue for parents to discuss with their children according to their own values and beliefs. It shouldn’t be forced on us against our will.
Same as above.
Some will try to tell you that Proposition 8 takes away legal rights of gay domestic partnerships. That is false. Proposition 8 DOES NOT take away any of those rights and does not interfere with gays living the lifestyle they choose.
However, while gays have the right to their private lives, they do not have the right to redefine marriage for everyone else.
Not strictly true. The original proposal passed 61/39, so 39% of the voters thought it was a bad idea. You could say that they 'voted for same sex marriage'.
If gay activists want to legalize gay marriage, they should put it on the ballot. Instead, they have gone behind the backs of voters and convinced four activist judges in San Francisco to redefine marriage for the rest of society. That is the wrong approach.
What is the right approach? It is the obligation of judges to overturn legislation that is discriminatory and/or violates our constitution. That's why you are pursuing this amendment.
Voting YES on Proposition 8 RESTORES the definition of marriage that was approved by over 61% of voters. Voting YES overturns the decision of four activist judges. Voting YES protects our children.
Protects our children from what, exactly? That they "may" be taught same sex marriage? From the evils of homosexuality? From atheists? From reason? Color me confused.
Please vote YES on Proposition 8 to RESTORE the meaning of marriage.
California Family Council
ROSEMARIE "ROSIE" AVILA, Governing Board Member
Santa Ana Unified School District
Coalition of African American Pastors