The Behemoth finally released Castle Crashers. They had some initial problems but I hear it's working now. Dan Paladin and the rest of the team kick ass.* Get your wallpapers here. The art is superb.
When the game launched my blog traffic went up because people were searching for The Behemoth Chicken (who wields a sword in the intro to the new game). So here it is again. Along with another image courtesy the Behemoth website.
All images copyright Dan Paladin and Behemoth Software. Don't dare use them without credit or you will for sure go to hell and get your site pummeled by powerful nerds (not me - I'm a mid-level tech geek). Steal images from Wal-Mart or Sony, not independent game developers.
*Wanted to type list of other team members but there's no list on your website & I'm not enough of a kissass to get it from the game itself. I had to draw the line somewhere.
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