maybe you had some important thing to do today. maybe you don't know what it's like to have to solve hard problems at the office. the kind that make you want to hit your computer with a hammer. (note esp. that as a computer geek i mean the actual computer, not the monitor; when you have a tech issue make sure you take out your aggression on the source of the problem).
I don't know. all I know is that the feeding frenzy currently surrounding that dbag Foley just keeps getting more and more weird. i hate to get all political, but this guy was definitely hitting on teenage boys at work. I'm pretty sure that's not okay. Pretty sure.
i know if there were a 21 year old receptionist and I was a geezer perv it would be weird if I offered her a shot of tequila at work. every day. who would do that? never mind sending her suggestive emails. this is the same sort of thing, only worse. gay, straight, or otherwise. it's not okay.
so what i would definitely do, if I were caught doing such a thing, is get my lawyer minion out there to talk to the press for me. because I'd be in rehab for my addiction. or taking naps. either way, really.
and finally, i heart home improvement. got a lot done this past weekend, plan to have the house on the market at the end of the month. good times.
we'll be back to our regularly scheduled entries about my drunken escapades in a day or two.
short version: don't drink 8 double vodka-sodas and expect to be 100% the next day. or even the day after that. okay then.
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