27 October 2006

big dj, small venue; plus, more case-onomics!

went to see/hear carl cox mix records last night. they booked him at a ridiculously small venue here in the OC. place sold out, but there had to be only 600 or so people there. it was superb. the guy is still killing it, although his set was a bit too trance-y for my current musical taste. it had a lot of good hard techno elements, but too many breakdowns. maybe he was playing cheese for the OC crowd, and LA will get the harder-edged show. maybe.

supposedly Carl Cox is the sixth best DJ in the world, but that (arbitrary and bullshit) list is suspect because although dj's 1-5 are great, they've got ATB coming in at number 8, and Oakenfold at #9. both of those guys are shite, and neither is anything like the draw that the rest of the top 10 are. so there. and Mike Relm, the guy I told you about a couple weeks ago, doesn't even make the top 100. you can search the blog for RELM and find him. i'm too busy to link to my own posts. or lazy. mostly lazy.

and finally, here's some more case-onomics from my friend Sam.

1. Sell your nice car and buy a cheap, but dependable ride. You'll
have enough cash left over to get out of debt and SAVE!!!! Also, your
new cheap car will get in a wreck after a week of use, costing you
thousands of dollars in repairs, and then just generally suck
compared to your bygone luxury sports sedan. You will have no money
left over and soon be back in debt.

2. Take a trip to Africa to help children in need. It doesn't cost
that much to live there, PLUS, you have all that money left over from
when you sold your nice car. Riiiiiiiight.

3. Work in the music industry straight out of college. You're sure to
make good money. Seriously. Just do it.
thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is difficult to comment intelligently to a blog referencing “sam.” It is akin to a creationism discussion... sour, ignorant and patently false. Although the segway—indeed a reference to the transport device tangentially featured in the current MCA exhibit (mcachicago.org/ massivechange/ prt1.html)—is apropos of oakenfold and ATB... both sad unfortunate incarnations of their former selves.