not a big iggy pop fan. but I am a fan of Mike Relm. hmm, maybe he kicks puppies in his spare time, and I've never met the guy, so more accurate to say that I'm a fan of his music. he's a dj, and he's got some skillz. he's also got an excellent musical sensibility, so his quick-cut mixes take you all over the place, but you never lose the vibe. you can go to his website to hear what i'm talking about.
he's part of a growing movement of "dj eclectica", which is really just the old becoming new again. the 'eclectic' style is a fancy way of saying "play whatever rocks the party, and don't punk yourself on the mix". it's hard to do, mixing all kinds of records, but this guy has the chops. it's old-becoming-new because this is how original dj's would sample records: they would cut and play the hooks (aka "breaks") from the record. Mike Relm expands on the style.
i was introduced by a friend, who heard about it from a friend who saw him at a show. i searched for the guy on amazon, and you can't buy his cd there. which is a shame, because it's very good.
quit reading about music and go listen. and get dancing.
love you.
sound pretty much like a mashup to me, which is cool but EZ i'm told you you have the software. If he were doing it live then I'd be inpressed. He might be but does not sound like it.
whatever, its cool
I take it back, looked into the guy, he's legit. Show in chicago is 20$ and its a hip-hop show...in chicago...not sure if it will be my secne.
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