23 August 2006

poll results are in: polls are bullsh*t

can you feel the synergy? the kind that happens when you make up a news article and then act like it's revelatory? [had a picture of a famous terrorist but the sight of him disgusts me, so I deleted it]

i'm all for reporting on important issues and etc, but on a slow news day, is it okay to make up your own news?

the headline news on cnn.com was about a poll they gave 1100 or so people. what the hell is that? since when is the man on the street a reliable source for anything? you can't get directions to the grocery from somebody, but now they're a terrorism expert?

you could have taken a poll in the south 40 years ago about giving black people the right to vote and the results would have been simultaneously disgusting and disenfranchising. let's not get carried away with this polling nonsense.

but wait there's more! not only is this not-news breathlessly reported in the headlines, but they included an advert for tonight's program. to wit...

best part about the article on cnn is this paragraph here. (third paragraph in a 20+ paragraph article):

CNN will broadcast the documentary "In the Footsteps of bin Laden" at 9 p.m. ET tonight.

what a funny coincidence that is. pretty sure it's not news, though. any more than what's on National Geographic or TLC. or discovery. or the History Channel.

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