15 August 2006

i don't feel like writing, read this instead.

whatever. it happens to people. so instead I give you this:
a man custom built for writing the essay and/or short novel has published another book. well, HE didn't publish it, per se, but you get the idea. i encourage you to check it out. it is erudite, funny, and occasionally pretentious. good reading.

also, if you're into traveling, there's a sense of the world. it's good, too.

the photo at left is from 2004, when D. F. Wallace appeared at UCLA, at an event hosted by Jonathan Safran Foer, and attended by Michael Chabon, Suzan-Lori Parks, Anne Lamott, Alice Sebold and Dave Eggers.

J.S. Foer is an acquired taste, but I enjoy his books. Chabon is one of the great living american writers (believe it), and Eggers is famous for writing about himself and making a shitload of money. with which he started a publishing house and charity. I can't really handle Eggers first book because the voice of the novel reminds me too much of me. Ye Shall Know Our Velocity is good, though, and it's a travel book, too.

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