17 August 2006

curtailing those "Adult Desires": dispatch from the North

i'm out of town this week, so no fun(ny) picture.
i checked into my hotel as per usual after an uneventful flight. i like to maybe get a movie as a reward for making the trip. if they have anything even remotely worth watching. so after I checked in and got settled, I flipped on the TV and browsed some titles. there wasn't anything worthy of $12, but I did notice that the adult titles had been removed. not blocked, which would display the titles ("Buxom Babes!"), but removed entirely. what the heck?

full disclosure: i wasn't even remotely interested in watching some porn. in point of fact, i've never ordered a porno in a hotel room. but the porn was conspicuous in its absence.
where did it go? did they know from my prev. visits that I had no interest in it? what does that say about me? did they look at me and just *know* i wanted no part of it? what to do? do I call the front desk and ask where the porn went? umm, that's a little more awkward than the regular notice that MOVIE TITLES WILL NOT APPEAR ON HOTEL BILL.

I ignored it.

last night after dinner I flipped on the TV again, just to check if they maybe added a watchable movie. no chance of that, but Adult Desires had been re-added to my library. niiiiiiice. i felt better.

ps. I was going to put in links to some of this stuff, like Adult Desires and the titles and even actresses, but in order to do that I'd have to search the web for adult content at work. that's a red flag to the IT dept, so you'll have to do it on your own. if you're into that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first off lets get something straight, there is nothing you deserve more on a trip than porn, don't sell yourself short. Also, I would wager the adult material is avalible only after a specified hour, which is unfortuante as I feel (pun intended) that porn is best enoyed around lunchtime
