16 July 2006

you've got some junk? throw it on craigslist.

I thought I'd search for an electric guitar on craigslist. you never know what you might find out there. it really brought home the idea that clist is full of other peoples junk. I would post a link, but the person might take it down, and then you wouldnt' see this awesome list of stuff for sale or trade.
here's the full list. let me know if you want me to pick something up for you.
the title of the posting is

Tools, Bed Sheets, Taekwondo belts, Great stuff for EBAY profit. MOVIN

i admit I got sucked in by tools. I am too lazy to bother trying to go get someone's used tools, but I thought I'd just take a look. it was more like "garden equipment", but here's the full list, because it rules so hard. I added some comments, where appropriate:

We are Moving, so clearly time is limited, so easier to trade for cash or something of value. Some of this stuff you can sell on ebay or on craigslist for more $.

I have yard tools, including shovels, rake, black and decker electric weed wacker, weed puller, and two large beige pots from Home Depot, valued at 40 dollars each.
I also have brand new still in package never used:(IDEALLY TRADED ALL TOGETHER)
Royale Velvet Bed skirt Cal King (ivory)
2 Royale Velvet King Pillow Sham (ivory with lavendar flowers)
Standard Queen size pillow cases with lavander and blue
Cal King Set from Fieldcrest, valued at $85,00 (ivory with lavander flowers)

Things Remembered graduation frame with option to still have it engraved for free from the store.
this is the most excellent regifting I have ever seen.

2 Taekwondo Belts 1 Yellow, and 1 Orange Belt
if these were "rex" kwan do belts, i would go get them. bow to your sensei.

One sprint phone with recharger

Two beautiful white lamp shades with chrome/silver lamp shade holder

How to apply make up DVD, and teach yourself guitar cd, with teach yourself guitar book (sold separatly initially).

2 1993 California License plates (same numbers)
huh? 1993 was a big year for thecase (kissed a girl, almost got to second base), but i'm not sure I want some 1993 plates.

3 sheets of scratch and sniff stickers (worth $30+ on ebay- from 1980s)

Pokemon and Yugi cards (about 20)

1980's little professor calculator

THe Battered Woman Video Series ($60 value on internet)
no idea what this is.

Lots of cd's and movies.

Lots of Psychology books (1 brand new one from Robin Smith-Ophrahs favorite therapist (paid 25 bucks).
This is the one thing on this list you need to take with you FOR SURE.

Gemological Institue of America (GIA) Gold and Precious Metals, and Diamonds course materials.
i'm intrigued by this. would like to review them, learn something.

5 foot 5inches cat tower (you know the thing cats like to climb and scratch- good condition- beige).

Mostly looking for reasonable cash offers, but if you have something really nice, let's negotiate:)
I'll give you $10 for all of it. Hell, I'll give you $10 just to throw it away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have included a link so I could make him an offer on the scratching post, you know for when I'm coming off the smack