12 July 2006

really. good. email.; I need to get busy on my TPS reports.

so I arrived at the corporate office this morning and noticed that my old chair, the one that is torture to sit in, had been returned to my cube. (remember I had back surgery exactly 3 months ago.) the conf. room chair, which I borrow from the conf. room, was gone. and I also got this email in my inbox:

This morning we found a conference room chair in your cubicle. Back in December we also found a conference room chair in your cubicle. Conference room chairs are designated for conference rooms only. Please do not remove them from conference rooms to place in your cubicle. If you are experiencing some kind of discomfort from sitting, please contact HR to schedule an ergonomic evaluation.

second best part about this email: i'm supposed to contact HR for an ergonomic evaluation. like I didn't already do that before I, umm, had a major surgical procedure. and after.

best part: "Back in December" someone found the wrong chair in my office and WROTE IT DOWN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. they prolly thought, damn, we better get this documented, in case it happens again IN THE NEXT SEVEN MONTHS.

seriously. awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is that my swingline stapler?