i'm not talking about the employees of the us gov't, i'm talking about the thousands of people that were in lebanon before israelis started blowing stuff up. the ones that were there on business or vacation or who knows what. Beirut used to be a beautiful cosmopolitan city, a famous vacation spot. now, not so much.
most entertaining was the reaction from people that the gov't didn't come quickly enough, and that they had to pay a fee to be removed. how did they expect to get out of the country, anyway? the fee amounted to an airline ticket. are these people even paying taxes? I doubt it. also, how did they expect to get out of the country if they were to leave on schedule? get someone else to pick up the tab?
here's the logic:
no bombs = i pay for travel
bombs = someone [not me] pays for travel
if i'm traveling in a foreign country and it goes bad i don't expect the US to do anything about it. it's a foreign country. they have no sovereignty there. it's just my fault / bad luck for being there. i didn't know I could go to the embassy or consulate and have them get me out.
I was wondering if maybe the US could do something about the other citizens stuck in Iraq? there's a bunch of them; they're in the armed forces. no? oh.
Blame Israel. If that rouge terrorist nation did not wage war on its neighbors, if in fact the got the f**k off the land that was never theirs in the first place, if the US did not veto the UN official criticism of their illegal actions, if we did not keep funding their dam terrorist regime because they are our only ally in the middle east and we need their oil, this would not happen. The rest of the world is also evacuating their citizens, as it is a war zone but only the US is charging their citizens 150$ as our budget is a little tight since we are engaged in those two little illegal illegitimate wars.
according to Salon...
The refugees sleeping in the middle school classrooms are pretty irritated at the Western media...
they have been watching CNN International's coverage of the war and are convinced that it's biased against the civilians of Lebanon, who have been dying at a rate 10 times greater than their Israeli counterparts.
"All we see are Israelis in their bunkers talking about how terrified they are that Hezbollah rockets are aimed at civilians...
"They are bombing civilians from Tyre to Baalbek [in the northern Beqaa Valley]. Do we not count?" he says. "Why does CNN only tell the story of the Jews? They had better not come to this school because they don't want people to know what the Israelis are doing to us."...
For all their claims that this is a war against "terrorists," the Israelis have been relentlessly bombing targets that are totally civilian in nature. Besides the ports, airports, highways and bridges across the country, they have also pounded dairy farms, grain silos and flatbed trucks wherever they can find them -- just on the off chance they might be carrying rockets or weapons.
read the entire story subimtted by Mitchell Prothero who is there
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