So it's been a couple years since I got anything new (the cancer thing didn't go over very well, even though I was nice about it) but the current crisis in this country has gotten me out of the doghouse. And I get stuff like this link, but first a warning - DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK IF YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY COMMITTED TO JESUS CHRIST IN ALL HIS POWER AND GLORY - SERIOUSLY, DO NOT DO IT.
And by "POWER AND GLORY" I mean the complete disregard for correct grammar, spelling, syntax, flash animation, logic, restraint, and common sense.
On the other hand this link was very effective, because the first words out of my mouth when I saw it were: "jesus. christ." Followed shortly by "What the f*ck is wrong with people?"
i wish i could say that i found that funny. i don't.
It's hard to know whether you should laugh or be disgusted.
Couldn't read it, all I got was a flash button and some music. But you're talking about idiots, not real Christians. Real Christians aren't racists and they don't play the race card. It's absolutely disgusting the number of them who get their brains switched off at the sight of forwards and pass them along just because the word "Jesus" is mentioned in them, and anything that tugs at their emotions whether it's bogus alarms, so-called "blessings" and anything that mentions "cancer" or something about one's own gender... As a Christian, I am dedicated to smashing chain letters to bits and ridiculing the sick hoaxters who come up with this crap. I am also TRYING to educate other Christians to wake up and smell the dang coffee, and get their heads out of the forwarding fog, and realize what is actually going on, and how they are doing everything wrong on the net when it comes to forwards. I'm also sick to death of nearly every person who complains about forwards turning out to be anti-Christian or at least believing all the wrong-headed negative stereotypes about Christians, and that most of the Christians seem to be completely oblivious and indifferent to this fact. http://ChristiansBreakingChainFwds.ning.com
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