Swinging the Hammer of Industry at the Nail of Sloth
29 March 2010
Not a great lunch. Not even a good lunch.
I've been craving a superb burrito. Unfortunately they are in short supply near my office in Irvine (city motto: "Better than Aliso Viejo, but only because it's a shorter drive to Newport or Costa Mesa."). So I'm left with a mediocre burrito, which is barely better than no burrito at all. It's a conundrum.
I feel you. my new pad has no burrito options in anything resembling walking/biking/convenient driving distance and it is frankly unacceptable. I guess I should consider moving back to my loud noisy cramped apartment in the quasi-hood, with innumerable burrito options. Or perhaps I'll just embrace the $5 subway on the next block.
How did you get my ex to pose so long for that?
burrito fail.
I feel you. my new pad has no burrito options in anything resembling walking/biking/convenient driving distance and it is frankly unacceptable. I guess I should consider moving back to my loud noisy cramped apartment in the quasi-hood, with innumerable burrito options. Or perhaps I'll just embrace the $5 subway on the next block.
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