01 June 2006

great television - Frontline piece on AIDS

no graphics this time, since I'm out of town and can't login to the blogger.
lots to talk about, but let's mention exceptional television.

I got sucked into a phenomenal television program last night on PBS. I don't know if you watch Frontline. If it's on I will watch it, because they have a reputation for being smart, and more balanced than most news programs (their show on the religion in Bush's politics - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/jesus/ -  was lauded as a good piece of reporting). last nights show on AIDS had star power (interviews w/ Bill Clinton and Bono, among others), and very smart people talking about a pandemic I know about but hardly pay attention to.

you can go here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/aids/
and watch the program when they post it. or you can read a little bit about it.
even if you aren't really moved to do anything, I encourage you to check it out. it's powerful.

special highlights:
- bill clinton looking fit and sharp as he talks eloquently about the needle exchange program that would never have passed congress if he approved it
- health workers in India explaining how AIDS is transmitted to truck drivers by playing a weird board game
- the failure of South Africa's president and his lackeys to recognize the severity of the epidemic, and the resulting catastrophe

love you. thanks for reading.

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