29 June 2006

dear pro-lifers: please keep doing this - no one listens to you and it makes you look stupid

this is superb.

it's got everything I appreciate about conservative christianity and professional christians like those clowns at the "family research council": short-sightedness, bombast, and ignorance galore.
Warren Buffett gives away billions of dollars and all this hot air from the religious right is a special bonus, like a treat in a box of cereal.

go here:

i'd love to break this apart, piece by piece, but I don't have the energy.
special highlight: where the catholic priest compares Buffett to Josef Mengele.
perfect. that's everything you need to know about why I heart the catholic church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aparently some people do not realize there is a difference between ideology and health care