07 March 2006

back, but still mediocre; lenten commitments: son of a b!

hello faithful readers. I have not rewarded your vigilance with an update in quite some time. I just haven't felt like it. the general malaise that came over me 3 weeks ago still lingers. sure i've had a chance to shake it off. sort of. but it's tougher than I thought. these things happen, etc. and so forth.

I watched most of a carolina/duke basketball game and it was great because Duke lost. at home. dick vitale was so overblown with his superlatives that I thought his fat head was going to go supernova and black hole all at once: explode, and then collapse in on itself because of its tremendous mass. the black hole would have wiped out Cameron Indoor Arena, a nice bonus.

but it didn't happen. if it had, you probably would have heard about it. probably. Duke dropped all the way to number 3 in the polls after they lost 2 games in one week. Fairly generous, if you consider that other teams might have dropped out of the top 10. However, I felt it was fair, because Duke was very good all year. Not the best team in the country (hellooooo, UCONN!), but very good.

the olympics were on. I didn't watch much. there was some curling. and some figure skating. and that skier that liked to party didn't do well. he came off as kind of a jerk, but i never met the guy, so who knows? he probably just doesn't care about being on TV. he obviously doesn't care about doing well at his job, since he's been sucknutsass all year on the world cup circuit. so he was sucknutass at the olympics. who cares? maybe nike and atomic. and the other skiers that know they can beat him every week, they care a lot.

re: lent, per a suggestion from a friend, I am giving up swearing. even my tried and true swear words I used when I was a more hard-core christian (b**** and a**). i've let them all go. it took me all of 20 minutes this morning to stumble, so this is going to be a bit more work than I anticipated. but I'm working on it. I was going to give up my only other serious vice, booze, but st. patrick's day is coming up. some things even I can't do.

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