10 March 2006

long on pictures, short on content; plus, is it fun to be your ex's buddy?

I have been recently jealous of images posted on other blogs. and then somebody sent me a picture of a naked david hasselhoff w/ two little shar pei puppies, one in his lap to cover up his junk. i refuse to post it; resolution was poor, but it was definitely him. I hear he's huge in germany. if you know what I mean. and I think you do.

I wanted to post my desktop picture so that you can see how we do it here at GJAW. it's pc, it's big 80's, and it's easily the sweetest interweb photo i've ever gotten. best part is I've only gotten it a couple of times. it's a relative rarity. and resolution is good. I invite you to send it to all your friends. I'd put my initials in the corner, but I have no idea where it came from, and I can't take credit for it.

in other news, is it fun to be your ex's buddy? I'm saying, umm, no. I can't do it. I have had two friends that were really good at it. one turned out to be gay, and the other is just very sensitive. me, I can't do it. if you can, more power to you. I figure, if you could be buddies then why break up in the first place? in my case (pun intended - HONK!) you get dumped because you put too much pressure on the relationship and keep having freakouts. nicely done. that's not a good foundation for buddy-ness. it also depends on the girl. some girls, they heart being buddies. I think my ex would loooove to be buddies.

somehow that makes the breakup suck even worse.

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