31 March 2006

ever'body seen a leprechaun say yeah! YEAH-YUH!

I wish I were clever enough to make this stuff up.
but I'm not. you need to get yourself over to ifilm.com immediately if not sooner and watch this video. it is work safe. no swear words. it's a news program from alabama. I think local news is retardo, but sometimes they come up with some genius. here's the address, in case the link doesn't come through. http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2714833

I think i'm related to the one guy w/ the flute. in the body armor. the one with the Irish grandfather? that guy.

ever'body seen a leprechaun say yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Original story was pretty lame, making fun of people is not hard. But putting it to music is another thing entirely.
