24 March 2006

dispatch from norcal

trying an email post, since my intrepid computer system in the frozen north can't seem to stay connected to the blog server. or something. you don't care.
insight from this week:
  • response from this weeks earlier post about "getting your ex back" was good. I aim to please. I heart your feedback. it's weird, because there are a lot of other posts that I thought were much more funny than that one. but I just work here. and take naps.
  • "red eye" is a crap movie.
  • newest harry potter movie is pretty good.
  • not swearing for lent is going okay. I have to give $2 to charity every time I stumble. I'm up to $72 so far. I figure I'll just cut the church a check when I get to $100 and then cut another one when lent is over. there was some disagreement between a friend and I about whether or not it was fair to give up swearing, since I shouldn't be doing that anyway. he's a catholic, and we're never going to see eye to eye anyhow, but I said it was a vice, so it was a great thing to give up. he said, not much of a sacrifice. I said, yeah, then you try it. he gave up sweets.
  • JJ Redick and Co. got bounced out of the ncaa tournament by LSU. the man guarding him was precisely the type of player he'll have to compete against in the NBA. he might find his niche shooting the ball, but I doubt it. oh well. Duke will have to get by with another 3 or 4 McDonald's all-americans next year. it helps being on tv 30 times, too. oh, and having your coach in those chevy ads that run every 14 seconds. i think they'll be okay.
that's all I have for now. i've been out of town on business all week. so nothing funny has happened. at least, nothing I can write about yet. i'll have something for you next week. probably.

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