The 49ers are so fucking bad at protecting the quarterback I can't even explain it in words. And their secondary sucks, too, which is why my friend was nice enough to send me the attached picture first thing this morning. At least I have Frank Gore on my team. Without him it would have been even worse. *sigh*
It was a wonderfully ordinary day. You can't ask for much more than that. But don't take my word for it. Consider this story from a cancer survivor:
One thing I don’t ever think to say: When I was told I had a year or two, I didn’t want anything one might expect: no blow-out trip to the Galápagos, no perfect meal at Alain Ducasse, no defiant red Maserati. All I wanted was ordinary life back, for ordinary life, it became utterly clear, is more valuable than anything else.
Thanks for reading.
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