I have never heard of Perry Groves until today. (That's his picture at left.) He's just a goofy looking guy that played some football overseas, but he's got a good sense of humor. Consider the followng question and answers from an interview:
interviewer: Tell us, why did you decide to write an autobiography?
PG: [Chirpily] It came out of the blue really. I was approached by John Blake Publishing, who specialise in cult autobiographies - that's cult with an 'l', yeah? - because they'd apparently noticed that there's a bit of interest in me out there.
with an L! I laughed. plus...
Interviewer: Scarlett Johansson or Paris Hilton?
PG: Scarlett Johansson. You know Paris Hilton is filthy but Johansson likes to come across as a little more classy so you'd have to work a little harder to get the filth out. That would be fun.
Indeed. also...
Interviewer: What's the weirdest request you ever had from a fan?
PG: Probably to sign a tit. Although ... [blah, a story that was not as funny as his initial reaction]
You're not kidding!
so he's my new favorite. Honesty scores big here at greatjoballweek.blah.whatev.
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