not sure if you caught this story about the king of all prehistoric fishes. [caught. get it? honk!] if you didn't, this thing was the boss. in the evolutionary arms race that was the Devonian period, this thing was the king. or at least, the king we know about. It probably fed on the coelacanth, among other things. synergy: You can feed on a coelacanth too, if you can catch one.
unrelated: there's a fuss about whether or not to describe the war in Iraq as "civl war". maybe "uncivil" is better? i'm going with uncivil war from now on. back to your regularly scheduled programming...
some intrepid soul is posting podcasts of eclectic mixes. check it yourself: www.oddiofile.net. (even the logo is cool) it's mostly mellow, jazzy, downtempo, ambient mixes, but w/ a variety of beats and styles. there's even some hip-hop that doesn't suck. weird. the recording quality is not great (to save on file size/bandwidth costs), but it's worth a listen. If you have itunes you can search for "oddiofile" and set up the podcast. if not, you can download the mixes direct from the oddiofile blog. I recommend it.
lastly: the south american expedition starts exactly two weeks from today.
makes me feel a little queasy just reading that. eesh.
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