last night I went to hear Roger Sanchez (the Rog to his friends) mix some fun house records. it was great times, better than carl cox, and I was home by 1. here's list of shout-outs:
- Big ups to Giant for booking two outstanding dj's at a club in a strip mall exactly 8 minutes from my place, on back to back weeks, and putting me on "the list" so it's only $10. i'll even be back next week. weird.
- the venue gets an A for sound, lighting, and for hiring Marisa Miller's brunette body double (right down to the freckles) as a go-go dancer. Usually I don't notice the go-go dancers, because they're either rather beat-looking, or they're depressingly uncoordinated. This girl was neither. great work.
- speaking of brunettes, props to the girls for showing up. there was way too much dude at the carl cox show last week. thankfully this week was better, and the crowd was pleasantly diverse, w/ some lovely brunettes (mostly persian) to go with the usual OC blondes.
- paging cougar, party of 10! paging cougar, party of 10! your VIP table is now ready! it's club night in the oc, but it's still the OC. of 10 women out for girl's night, 6 had some obvious work done. very oc. and, it must be said, they were all attractive.
- ahh, speaking of girl's night, I even ran into an ex from several years ago. noteworthy because a) I wanted to marry her then; b) she's married now; and c) she didn't look very good. she's reasonably fit, but her outfit was frumpy. and she desperately needs to update her hairstyle. she wasn't into dj'ing when I dj'd, so it was the last place I expected to see her. on a school night no less.
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