14 November 2006

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

[no photo, posting remotely]
I'll get back to posting funny anecdotes just as soon as something funny happens to me. and I mean funnier than having issues w/ the waffle machine like I did this morning.

This has been mentioned in the national press before, but it will probably start getting more attention now.

i bring it to you merely as a small point of interest, and because that great example of christian love and compassion James Dobson figures prominently in the article.
who says you can't build a coalition of jews and christians? Granted, you're working together to kill people, but whatever. here's a summary:

[The church leader John Hagee] called the [Isreal / Hezbollah] conflict "a battle between good and evil" and said support for Israel was "God's foreign policy."

got it. evil = okay to kill people. and God is on our side. (as per usual.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty sure this is the official stance of US foreign policy.