10 November 2006

people that are good, and people that are less so

I tried a new blog editor over here at great job all week dot blogspot dot com. you're not supposed to notice the difference at all. maybe quality will improve? enh, let's not get our hopes up. then I dinged it because it adds a tagline at the end of my posting. that simply won't do.

read a great story on the interweb today. it's a fairly typical overcome-a-challenge puff piece, but sometimes that's a nice way to start your Friday.

in other news, I got involved in my third (and final) installment of club night in the OC. it was okay. Crystal Method played good records, but the crowd sucked. the highlight was this exchange w/ the Biggest Douchebag I Have Ever Met, Without Exception (henceforth "BDIHEM, WE"):

acquaintance of mine: Hi!! this is my friend [BDIHEM, WE].
me (making small talk): nice to meet you [BDIHEM, WE]. how you doing?
BDIHEM, WE: I'm good. Tired, because I'm really busy at work, you know?
me: uhhh, yeah? what do you do?
BDIHEM, WE: I'm a partner in a big mortgage company. Part owner, actually.
me: oh.

do you like how BDIHEM, WE only needed two sentences to tell me how important he was? that's not a record, but I was impressed. and he worked it into the conversation so casually. It wasn't forced at all. classy. other douchebag elements included bragging about his former job ("major promoter in the area"), knowing the dj's and the club owner, knowing another club owner where he had partied the prev. weekend, and not reciprocating after one of my homies bought him a cocktail. (when it's your turn to buy a round, go buy a round. don't sneak off to the bathroom.)

sadly, I don't think the BDIHEM, WE and I will run into one another again. we don't move in the same social circles. good thing he also mentioned that to me in the 4 minutes we shared.

rock on in the OC!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try post graduate education if you ever run short of self-aggrandizing fuckwads in oc. I know about 40 people who would give the db a run.
