13 November 2006

mullet not included

I heart the guardian. I think they covered this on CNN, too, but I'm pretty sure the lead wasn't:

Scientists have cranked it all the way up to 11 thanks to a new hi-tech take on the air guitar.

References to classic Rob Reiner movies never get old. ever. Neither do references to bands like AC/DC, so the inimitable Bobbie Johnson follows with this:

Engineers in Australia - the home of rock legends including AC/DC and INXS - have developed a new T-shirt which enables the wearer to play air guitar and create real noise in the process.

yeah. that is superb.
fyi: i create real noise when I play air guitar. it's the sound of me f*cking ruling. with extreme prejudice. but also love.

(photo is from the UK Air Guitar Championship in London; credit: Lynda Nylind)

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