i heard a story from one of the peeps last night.
his girlfriend is from small-town Wisconcin (is there any other kind?), and not high-maintenance. she's doing her PhD residency somewhere in chicago, and it's her first time in the big city for an extended period. she has a wedding to go to, so she wants to go somewhere upscale and get her hair did. she decides to step it up a notch. i doubt she went to toni&guy, but i'm sure it was a salon of similar chic-ness.
brief digression #1: i used to get my hair done @ t&g, before I came to my senses and realized i liked it better short and I didn't have to pay $60 for somebody to do that. hot staff, though. and lots of upscale-salon-extras.
so the girl (we'll call her J) goes to the hair salon. they do a "consult" [accent on first syllable, CON-sult] and then she goes in the back for the wash. on the way, they ask her if she wants to change her top. she's confused. they say, put on a smock while we do your hair. girl says, uhhhh, yeah, okay.
into the changing room she goes. moment of confusion arrives: what does one wear under the smock? surely not just her bra [J is modest, and the smock has a moderately-low neckline]. she sees a generic black top, puts it on under the smock, and heads back out for the rest of the process.
FF 30 minutes. woman (in smock) and staff are raising a ruckus about a missing black top. big ruckus. strong words are used. a frenzied search is underway. it appears that J has appropriated someone's shirt. it was smock-only, after all. uh oh.
this could get awkward. J didn't know she was taking a bus to moral-dilemmaville. she just thought she was getting a haircut.
so, what to do?
a) announce your mistake to entire salon, return the top mid-haircut, and look like a complete and utter jackass? or ...
b) shrink down in chair, pull smock up a little higher, and hope no one sees you in the top that you borrowed from somebody else?
our girl J went for option b, and stealthily changed back into her orig. shirt when she re-entered the changing room, post haircut. she snuck the "borrowed" shirt between some of the smocks, paid for her new 'do, and fled the salon, never to return.
so that happened.
speaking of upscale, I spent $160 on a dinner date last night. it wasn't even a special occasion. just a regular let's-get-dinner. are you kidding me? who does that? i guess I do. i can't blame the girl. I picked the place. and i'm not complaining about the food, the company, or any of that. all of it was great. but $160? for two people? in orange county? next time I'll just go to nobu.
and finally, have you seen my three items? i mean it. i want my three items.
i'm not asking for much. just my three items.