19 September 2006

austin city whatever

[no photo - blogger is letting me down] hard to know how to describe my experience in Austin, TX. hard to know because i didn't really experience much of a real austin.
note to self: if you're going to check out a town, don't go on a weekend when it fills up with yahoos from somewhere else. all the locals hid at home or fled the city, so it was either stay at the festival all day or walk around an empty town.

the festival was not really my thing. some of the bands/musicians i saw were good (Tristan Prettyman and Nickel Creek) and others were not (The Shins). i couldn't make it to see gnarls barkley. it was too hectic over there. in general, the crowd sucked. O.A.R. (aka DMB for anyone that graduated high school after 2000) didn't play the festival, but their fans were well represented. sweet, bro.

another drawback to going on ACL weekend: places that were normally beautiful space were full of yahoo hippies. the parks and rivers in the town are very nice, but they were overrun.

the final straw: it took 12 hours to get home. the highlight was a 6 hour runway chill sesh in Austin, waiting to take off. we were stuck on the plane the whole time. it was a testament to my buddy Dave's travel companionship that we didn't get arrested.

overall, it was not a good weekend. very disappointing to go all that way (and spend all that money) and not see the town everyone I know raves about.

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