ahh, so much going on right now. getting ready to put the house on the market. that has hassle written all over it. plus i got some great blog-worthy topics from the peeps (Zach- aka doosh, and also Brian) a couple weeks ago but never got around to addressing them. one was an article about the guy that created that sweet sculpture of britney spears giving birth on a bearskin rug. I already spent some time discussing that little gem. turns out the guy created a nude bust of Hilary Rodham Clinton. yeah. the guy creating them has his own wikipedia page. eesh. anyway, it's been so long since this eejit did the clinton work that he's now started on his new project: a life size sculpture of an angelina jolie / brad pitt / jennifer aniston threesome. look it up if you don't believe me. (i can't google "threesome" w/o setting off some red flags on the company search engine.)
for the record, it looks like he's giving Hilary a lot of credit, if you know what I mean. and I think you do.
unrelated: that gay fop elton john is serious about recording a hip hop album. what the hell that guy is thinking I don't know. last I checked there weren't any white, british, 59 year old rap artists. maybe it's a niche that just hasn't been filled yet. maybe elton john is a dumbass. smart money is on the latter.
and finally, today's semi-funny item of disinterest: when I mention it's too expensive, I can't afford the OC, I am selling my house and moving somewhere else, people say, "do you have any friends there? are you sure you want to move?"
after i get asked that question 10 or 12 times it is hard not to shout DID YOU NOT HEAR ME JUST SAY IT'S TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE IN ORANGE COUNTY!?!? Because I have a lot of friends in the oc, and that isn't making it more affordable.
okay then. thanks for reading.
next post will be an ACL preview. get excited.
1 comment:
yeah, zach IS a doosh
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