31 July 2009

Protecting human rights by violating human rights

News out of the Congo today: Nigeria claims that they tracked down and killed a radical Islamic militant who was fomenting violence and trying to enforce sharia law.

The author of the article had to be laughing when he wrote this part:
New York-based Human Rights Watch called for an investigation.

“The Nigerian authorities must act immediately to investigate and hold to account all those responsible for this unlawful killing and any others associated with the recent violence in northern Nigeria,” said Corinne Dufka, the group’s senior West Africa researcher.

And followed it up with this:

However, it was unclear whether Yusuf’s death would end the violence or inspire revenge attacks by the group, also known as the Boko Haram sect, which seeks the imposition of strict Sharia in the country.

Strict sharia law is ALL ABOUT limiting your human rights. Soooo... human rights watch is up in arms (figuratively speaking, natch) about killing someone... who was trying to limit human rights. Maybe Corinne Bufka should have just gone to Nigeria and tried to hug it out? Radical islamic militants are usually so amenable to peaceable solutions. Wait... Bufka might not be a muslim and therefore is unclean, so maybe hugs aren't such a good idea.

Is this thing on? Helloooooooooo????

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