23 November 2010

Before there was scrabble, there was Angry Birds

Long before I was getting blown up by over 100 points a game by people both near and far ('qat' is a word? wtf?), I had a different obsession. If you haven't played then this video will make no sense to you. But if you have...

1 comment:

Shannon Green said...

I even felt a little guilty for qat but you just can't not put a Q on a triple letter square. You just can't.

Here's how to kick butt at Words With Friends:

Having a huge vocabulary will do you no good whatsoever, it's all about letter placement. Keep the board tight, playing your tiles next to as many existing tiles as possible.

Learn all of the 2 letter words in the English language. There's only about 100 of them and most of them you already know. Get to be good friends with XI, XU, QI and ZA. Don't worry about what they mean, no one knows.

Memorize the precious few English words that contain a Q which is not followed by a U. It's life altering. I most frequently use QI, QAT, QANAT and QWERTY (that one really pisses people off).

Then when you win all the time, people will think you're really smart and they won't even realize that you beat them with good placement of little 2 & 3 letter words.

That's for when you beat other people. Not me. Can't be done.