29 June 2007

Shexshy Shteve: bitchshlayer

Hellooooo, ladiesh...
Sexshy Shteve ish in the houshe. I'm here to drop some knowledge about the finesht NFL team the world hash ever known: the Detroit Lionsh. Jon Kitna is a touchdown ashashin and I am kryptonite to the bitchesh. I mean it.

Sho I made a video, in EXSHTREME closhe-up, of me being f*cking aweshome, showing you how it'sh done, because I'm f*cking EXSHTREME.

If any ladiesh out there need a man, a REAL MAN, a shexsh cannon, you can find me on the shtreetsh, shlaying shluts. Becaushe thatsh how a playa rollsh.

1 comment:

bsgarcia said...

I am sure you have dental case, get that gap fixed.