The new logo for the London olympic games has debuted. It's terrible. I guess it doesn't much matter, except that they spent a ton of money on it and it's their big shining example to the world and they came up with something that sucked. Great that you can "create your own" on their web page. Good luck with that.
I'd have loved to be in the room when they were doing the mock-ups. Here's example dialog of the conference room where all the comm and marketing majors got together to make some magic:
Comm major #1: We need a new logo for our london 2012 campaign, for the summer olympics. For starters, the candidate logo we made actually looks pretty good.
Overpaid Marketing Guy #3: F*ck that sh*t! Let's go the other direction. [Aggressively stubs out marlboro red cigarette into ashtray, because he's edgy and into marketing and edgy.]
Leggy Marketing Girl #7: huh?
Creative Guy [dressed in black pants, black turtleneck, IM Pei glasses]: Legible, colorful design will be so passe by the time 2012 rolls around. Let's do something edgy and cool for 1983, so that it'll be cool again by 2012.
Comm Major: yeah, that's awesome.
Legal guy [knows nothing about marketing or communications]: umm, but it might not work, because, ahh, if it's too edgy, it will look unprofessional and tasteless and inelegant and... ahhh... ugly?
Overpaid Marketing Guy #3: F*ck that sh*t! it's gonna' be awesome! [lights another cig]
All: Yeah!
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