05 February 2013

Nailed it

The Guardian has a grammar and punctuation quiz. Of course I dropped everything and completed it immediately.

I went 14/14, although I wasn't 100% sure about the final answer so I was surprised (Gerund? What?). I thought I would miss one or two. But I'll take it.

It's not like I do this stuff for a living or anything.*

Not much else to report. At least nothing I want to put in this space. Thanks for reading.

* Not strictly true; I do this for a living.


bsgarcia said...

I got 9/14 which, for the marginally-literate, is not that bad (how about that hypen use; and semi-colonic and parenthetical use as well?).

suspect I am sure

Zach said...

13/14 and i seriously consider this one of my greatest accomplishments. ever. i literally (literally) gave up and walked out of a grammar exam in college without coming even close to finishing. teacher even circled back with me later to ask for an explanation. i offered none. true story. alright, i'm of to see if there is some kind of certificate i can print from that website...

Sweet Katie said...

Damn. I got a 12/14. Thought I would do better!