06 February 2013

Back to back Guardian: View from The Shart, I mean Shard

Samuel Johnson said 'when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.' I'm inclined to agree, and this new interactive from the Guardian is superb. It covers only a small part of what makes London great, but if you've ever been there then this is probably much of what you visited.

Also, grammar redux! The Grammar Quiz post was very popular with the readers.

Who doesn't love grammar? Well, most people have little use for it unless they're trying to communicate something effectively. English grammar is really, really difficult to master. My friend the Engrish professor teaches English to second-language learners and they struggle mightily with things that native speakers take for granted. There are lots of exchanges like this:

Student: Why is it like that? It does not follow the other rules.
Prof: Because.
Student: :(
Prof: :/


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