24 September 2012

That's something

How is this even possible?
Still putting one foot in front of the other over here. Muddling through, as it were.

The space shuttle Endeavor (Endeavour?) went on a tour of California before it gets retired to a museum. I was able to catch a quick glimpse of it while it circled near the Long Beach airport. It was quite a sight. There were tears shed, if I'm not mistaken. I didn't get any pictures but someone forwarded me this one.

If it's true that 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' then this image of a massive spaceship on the back of a g-damn airplane, flanked by two awesome space jets, is just about as close to magic as I can expect to see, at least until someone invents a transporter. The shuttle may not have as much computing power as your new iphone but your iphone never made anyone emotional when it did a flyby. Advantage: shuttle.

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